My Journey from Content Writer to Senior Content Writer: Navigating the SEO Real Estate Frontier

Shalini Samuel
6 min readOct 10, 2023


The last day at my masters wasn’t great as I walked back home with a sprained leg. Yet once I recovered, I declared myself self-employed and started designing websites. My first clients were family friends; sadly, I never completed those websites. I learned that just my book knowledge was insufficient to create websites. Somewhere in me, I felt that the world would need more people in this field as websites will play a great role in business in the future.

After a bit of research in 2008, I started a blog to understand the nuances of the field. There was no term like digital marketing back then. Blog walks and page rank were big things to me. I opened a few more blogs — a magazine, a poetry blog(that was an accident that turned into a blessing), and one where I posted interesting facts. Building links and finding content for the blog was an interesting journey.

By then, I had already started writing paid blog reviews and earning. I got a Google AdSense account, and when it reached $ 80, I clicked the ads myself and asked friends to click so it would reach $ 100 (withdrawal limit) soon. The account got banned. By then, I had gained new contacts; some asked if I could do content writing. From there, I started my journey as a freelance content writer. As I wrote more poetry, I came across publishers and became a freelance editor, too!

Then came three solo poetry collections, and I got to co-author many poetry anthologies and edit a few. Then, I had to take an extended break as I put my health to the forefront. I was constantly sneezing and had a cold and cough that lasted for days and returned often as though it was my best friend. Finally, the ENT suggested a spurectomy and FESS. And then I ate a lot along with the medicines and put on a lot of weight. To come back, it took me a year.

So now I have to start anew. Things have changed considerably, and I was learning everything from scratch. I joined Wibits as a freelance content writer and learned much more. To my second innings in writing, it was the foundation. When things looked promising, Covid came, and things changed. I had no work, so I happily wrote at TSL for that year’s NaPoWriMo. I enjoyed writing a lot. I joined a few online courses and was reading more.

Moreover, before the surgery, I got sick often, and my breathing was poor. Even then, I could do a lot with my little brain. God allowed me to do much more for the world as my health improved. I could work hard and not get sick. The things that were difficult before became easier now. I had to rest often, and any strain would result in a fever. But now, things were so easy, and the freedom gave me great strength. That’s when I decided to try writing with my whole heart and devoted a lot of time to reading and writing.

Surprisingly, at this juncture, I got the next chance to be a freelance content writer at Kai Marketing. I was delighted to be back again to write for various businesses. In a month, I became a regular employee of Kai Marketing. Initially, I wondered how to shift from freelancing to regular office life. By God’s grace, it is been two years, and the journey has been superb. Let me share a little about this experience.

Embarking on a regular content writer career, I could never have imagined the exciting journey. I wrote content for real estate SEO, health care, and beauty products. Over the years, I have witnessed ups and downs, faced challenges, and embraced continuous learning as I honed my skills from a novice content writer to a senior content writer while specializing in real estate investor-focused content. The highlights of my journey and insights into the niche world of SEO for real estate investors will be informative and exciting.

The Early Days

My journey began with a fascination for writing and a desire to explore the vast realm of digital marketing. As a novice content writer, I started by creating articles on various topics.
Every time I wrote something, I ensured it was better than yesterday. I assessed myself and kept on improving on all fronts. When I received my first assignment to write SEO for real estate investors, I had yet to learn about the topic. So is medical health care like house calls. I learned from scratch.

The Learning Curve

It’s pretty daunting the first time you write on a new topic. With its intricate market dynamics and ever-evolving SEO landscape, real estate presented a unique challenge. I immersed myself in research, understanding the fundamentals of real estate investment, market trends, and the specific needs of investors. This initial learning phase was humbling, but it set the foundation for my journey ahead. I burnt the midnight oil to learn more. From my experience, it is worth spending a lot of time researching(especially in the initial stages); it will make the entire journey easier.

Keyword Research

SEO for real estate investors heavily relies on effective keyword research. It is a pivotal aspect of my work. Though I got the high-value keywords that resonated with the investor community, I researched competitors and developed more ideas. Tools like Google Keyword Planner and SEMrush became my best friends as I delved into long-tail keywords, LSI, competition analysis, and search volume metrics.

Content Strategy

With a solid grasp of real estate investment, I began formulating content strategies aligned with my client’s objectives. It included creating informative blog posts, informative guides, and engaging landing pages. Each piece of content had to be optimized for SEO and should deliver real value to investors. The more the local pages, the higher the reach. We all worked as a team, and I learned more as I shared what I learned with them.

Ups and Downs

My journey was not without its challenges. Google’s algorithm updates often shook the SEO landscape, requiring quick adaptations in content strategies. Balancing creativity with SEO requirements was a continuous struggle. However, these challenges only pushed me to grow as a content writer. It is not just giving the reader a few lines of informative content. We have to make it engaging and play with the reader’s mind so they can easily absorb what we convey.

Building Relationships

As I progressed in my career, I realized the importance of building relationships within the real estate investment community. Networking with experts, attending online events, and collaborating with fellow professionals helped me gain insights and stay updated on the latest trends.

Becoming a Senior Content Writer

After years of dedicated effort, I reached the milestone of becoming a senior content writer. The transition involved writing skills, leadership, project management, and mentoring junior writers. I now guide others on their content-writing journeys, and I love it. The journey so far has been very satisfying. I thank the Almighty and everyone at Kai Marketing for providing this excellent opportunity.

My journey from a content writer to a senior writer specializing in SEO for real estate investors, health care, and beauty products has been incredible. The ups and downs, the learning, challenges, reading, research, and the evolving SEO landscape have shaped me into the writer I am today. Niche expertise, a commitment to delivering value, and adaptability have been crucial to my success. If you are considering a similar path, remember that persistence and a passion for learning will be your greatest allies in this ever-evolving field.

For more, please visit Poetry By Shalini Samuel.



Shalini Samuel

Shalini Samuel works as a senior content writer at Kai Marketing and SEO To Real Estate Investors. She loves to read and write.