Stereotypes — Women And Their Struggle During The Transition Phase — Middle Age Woes

Shalini Samuel
2 min readOct 21, 2022


I'm not too fond of it when someone judges me because I come from a village. I have met a few people who thought my behavior would be below standards because I grew up in a rural area. Finally, they surprisingly ask, how could you be so?! Oh God, some even go to the extent that I have done some cunning activities to hide my village attire which they expect to be written all over my skin.

The stereotypes don't end here. It's in every part of society, and different people experience it differently. I am a single child to my parents. So the majority of strangers expect me to be selfish. They also think I will not adjust and will be adamant. Some even declare that I will not be able to do my work as though I have a lot of servants or kith and kin to work for me! When I hear such stories discussed loudly behind my back, I feel like laughing.

And then comes the gender issue. You are a girl; you cannot do this or that. Whatever women around you don't know or can't do gets into this category. If you don't hear their words now comes, you are so bold for a girl(In reality, I am not!). The issue we are speaking about needs many paragraphs to explain. So I allow the reader to fill it themselves. I guess men, too, face a lot of stereotypical comments from society.

When we ignore all these stereotypes and judgments to come up in life, there are still people trying to bring us down. Now they have different ideas. She is doing something behind our backs. Maybe she has some great contacts, or it's just the money playing. It's because she is beautiful she was able to succeed. She is so cheap. Everywhere you go, in most fields, families, and friends circles, there will be someone or a group of people talking ill of us, trying to bottle up in principles, calling it a universal truth!

By then, the person who went through all these would have gotten fed up with society. She would already be a rebel wanting to fight against all these. Most often, there is no other option but to smile and move on. But I feel women should smile at it and not be worried. It's part and parcel of your growth phase. You cannot expect everyone around you to understand. Someday they will know their thoughts were wrong. You cannot wait for it to happen and go to everyone and explain the situation. Just keep going, ladies. When you see another woman struggling to handle a similar situation, understand her and give your support.



Shalini Samuel

Shalini Samuel works as a senior content writer at Kai Marketing and SEO To Real Estate Investors. She loves to read and write.