Wings of Freedom | Short Story By Shalini Samuel

Shalini Samuel
3 min readJul 18, 2023


story of a injured bird | love for freedom

Once upon a time, a young 13-year-old girl named Rayna lived in a bustling city. Rayna was known for her kind heart and gentle nature. She had a deep love for nature and animals, spending most of her free time in the local park, surrounded by the beauty of flowers, trees, and the songs of birds.

One sunny morning, as Rayna was enjoying her usual walk in the park, she stumbled upon a tiny, injured bird lying on the ground. It had injured its wings, and it seemed helpless and in pain. Rayna’s heart ached for the bird, and without hesitation, she scooped it up gently and decided to take it home.

Rayna took great care of the bird, tending to its injuries and providing it with food and water. The bird grew stronger and healthier daily under her loving care. As it regained its strength, it started singing the most melodious tunes, bringing Rayna joy. Rayna now wanted to share her joy with the whole world.

She started an Instagram page and posted cute moments with her new pet. Soon the story reached near and far. Both became a celebrity in a few months. Gifts started pouring in for the little bird. Rayna made the bird dance and sing for the elite audience. She pampered the bird and gave it a luxurious life beyond imagination.

News of Rayna’s kindness and her miraculous healing of the injured bird spread throughout the city. People praised her for her compassion and her ability to nurture and heal. Rayna felt overjoyed at the newfound fame. She felt excited about her activities. One day, a wise older woman heard about Rayna’s story and decided to visit her.

The old woman, named Aria, sat down with Rayna and said, “My dear child, your act of kindness has touched many hearts, including mine. However, I want to share an important lesson with you. While it is noble to help others and nurture them, it is equally important to let them find their wings and fly.”

Rayna looked at Aria, confused but curious to understand her wisdom. Aria continued, “The bird you rescued needed your care to heal, but it has regained strength. It longs to be free and soar through the skies, for that is its true nature. Holding onto it denies it the opportunity to fulfil its purpose.”

Rayna realized the truth in Aria’s words and knew what to do. She started to train the little bird to live an independent life. From diet to finding food, Rayna lets the bird do it independently. She made the big decision when she was confident the bird was ready to fly alone.

With a heavy heart, she opened the window and let the bird go. Rayna felt sadness and joy as it spread its wings and took flight. Sadness because she would miss the bird’s presence, but fun because she knew it was now living its life to the fullest. The reels she made while freeing the bird got a million likes. People saw their freedom when the little bird danced in the air.



Shalini Samuel

Shalini Samuel works as a senior content writer at Kai Marketing and SEO To Real Estate Investors. She loves to read and write.